Friday, February 15, 2008


Oh my god is this a scary idea or what? I mean really who wants some stupid doll in the first place?

Btu do you need one that explodes? That is really scary. I don't even have a clue why somebody would want one.

I guess maybe as a gift for somebody you hate. Providing you didn't get blown up in the process.

That would be a big drawback to me. I mean whoever sells these things I sure hope you know they like include instructions.

As in which button you push to make it explode. And which you pull to keep it from blowing you up.

Sort of an important detail to not overlook. I know I would not care to get one of those things and not know where to shut if off.

Yeah, that would really bug me. I wouldn't care at all for that option. So I hope they don't ask you to like fake knowing what is important in terms of not getting all blown up.

You can be sure I would expect to know that part. Oh yeah no just guessing for me when it comes to being vaporized by some doll.

In any case, I am glad to be able to share this posting. I figure it is important to pass on stuff that is good for the public safety.

Yep, really does make me feel good when I can do that. Now as for where you might find one of these dolls, I have no idea.

All I know is that they are out there and that ain't a good thing. Well not from my view. Nope I am not going to volunteer that info.

No way anybody is going to blame me if they have their face blown off by some darn doll. And shoot it would just be like some moron to come over and blame me if that happen.

Hmmm, now that would be interesting though. I mean if they got no face they might not be able to see.

But I don't know, if some dude shown up at my door with no face, I imagine it would freak me out. And I sure don't want that.

So I reckon I will just be sure nobody in anyway tries to say this was my idea. Nope, I hope they will just mosey on to elsewhere and find some other kind of fun.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK:"What is up with time sharing? Somebody got extra time to give away? Where did it come from?"


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