Sunday, February 10, 2008


Okay, I want what I want when I want it. Is that hard to figure out? I wouldn't think so. But it sure seems hard for some.

I mean what am I suppose to say? I love when I don't get what I want? Or please make my life suck.

Well I'm sorry, but that doesn't work for me. And I can't imagine too many would feel ti was cool.

So what is the problem then? Can't we get our act together on this? Come on give us a break and don't break out hearts.

None of this having specials at stores and the one thing you want they are out of when you get there. That totally bites from my view.

And while I'm at it, why don't they give us a break on the coupon deal too. If it says two for one, then I want two of what I want, not whatever they claim it ought to be.

Yeah, the shouldn't mess with my hopes that ends up with pissing me off. I think that is fair.

Really I want it all. I want truth in advertising and the stuff I buy to do what they claim it will do. Not stuff I get home and it doesn't work.

And if they ain't going to make it behave like I want then say so up front. A little honesty would be nice.

But they sure don't make it much fun when it all sucks. I really would like it to do what I want it to do.

That is the important part. Yeah, a chance to have it be what I expect. Now if I but a vacuum that is good for house cleaning. I want it to clean a house.

Which should include the whole house and not just on part. That isn't house cleaning. i mean it ought to be good for the roof right?

But them darn extension cords never reach that far. And nobody seems to be willing to explain how come.

Plus try to use it on the outside walls. Boy is that fun or what? Not to me. I sure hate when you try and it don't clean them.

Just another of those things that don't work right. Sure wish they would stop doing that . But guess you have to appreciate not everyone is going to treat the truth the same way, not matter how much you expect it.


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