Saturday, February 16, 2008


This is a good thing at times I reckon. You know during the winter it is nice to have something warm.

Only if you do get it then it is a good idea if you know this happens when you want it to happen. If that takes place when you don't want then it sucks.

So you do have to be careful when talking about hot stuff. Because some people get rid of their own idea of hot which is not good.

I mean hot is good when you are talking like heat from a furnace. It is not good for example with ice cream.

But you got weirdoes out there that will think it is a good deal. They got some crazy idea of cool.

And you can be sure that does not work to the good in most cases. I personally have gotten into this habit of you know always making sure hot stuff is cool hot stuff.

You know the type that you will enjoy. If it is bad then forget it. And who needs that? Not me?

Which is fine for some strange people. They can have their soups and tea. Those are okay I guess.

But for me there is nothing better than warm jelly beans. A few seconds in a microwave and it is all the warm I need.

Which is enough warm for me on any given day. But getting them to do more than simply their idea of warm can be tough.

I'm working on it. I got my ideas I'm trying to see if I can help so many get with this program.

That is the one I found in this energy pamphlet. Kind of interesting. Just not all the big a deal.

I mean they were talking about solar heating. A good thing I guess only I think the sun might be too much heat from my end.

Especially when it comes to jelly beans. They are get warmed, but not charcoaled. And that is what the sun would do.

Oh well that is okay I guess. As long as I don't have to mess with them after the sun gets through with them. Not quite the warm I'm looking forward too. And if I don't like it then it ain't cool.


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