This ain't about them darn mice. They are the dudes you deal with who are total and complete losers and jerks.
Why they have to exist I have no idea, but they do. And you can be sure it doesn't make the world a nice place.
Nope, not in my book. That is the one where I keep a record of everyone I would like to run over with a truck someday.
Not as much fun to read the ones that I would like as real pals. That is the one I would like to have come true.
Only it doesn't quite end up being the way things work out. Really does suck. I hate it when that happens too.
Now what I do wish is that I could find a nice big mouse trap for those kinds of rats. Boy that would be so cool.
I have no idea where you might buy one. Sure wish I did. Might cut down on the problems a lot.
At least I would hope it would. Only problem is even if I found one figuring out how to like catch a rat and stuff him in it might be hard.
Still I would say that if this does exist it would be a great thing to have. In fact have like a whole lot of them.
That way you could pass them around to all the places the rats hang out. Still, guess if there was such a thing it would be hard to keep in stock.
Plus it might get kind of vague you know trying to be sure that I had all the details on ho it worked. That way I didn't mess up on it.
And I imagine you could find yourself with lots of problems like having them ask you to prove the person is a jerk. Which could get real complicated
But that's okay. I'm sure it wouldn't be that hard. Rats do sure hand out a lot. Yeah, there are plenty of them.
But that is one thing I do intend on changing. I wonder if you know you can maybe buy a extermination kit for them?
Kind of one that would maybe unrat them? That would be enough for me. Just a little chance to have them act almost human. Just not sure where I can find it yet. Bet it is out there somewhere.
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