Thursday, March 06, 2008


Let me tell you, don't even believe this if Junior says this. He is the one person you sure don't want to let say what is wonderful.

Now I admit that I have a thing about jelly beans. I mean I think they are great. But they are not the only thing that is wonderful in the world.

I know I might be shocking some people, but I do like a few other things too. Well okay on the wonderful scale they don't quite equal jelly beans, but they are cool.

And my buddy Otis has a thing for Spam. Which is not all bad. At least he sort of likes other stuff though.

But with Junior man it is insane. That guy has this thing for cheese. It don't even matter the kind. Just has to be cheese.

Oh well that is him. And that would be okay if he kept it to himself. Only he makes it a big deal to the point he bugs the rest of us about it.

And let me tell you that sure doesn't help when he gets into one of these moods where he decides wonderful means we got to get him more cheese. Like he doesn't have enough already.

Now if we have meetings over at STINK headquarters it is even worse. Because they will have something to eat.

I'm okay with that, but if Junior gets involved it has to include cheese. And that sucks. I mean don't get me wrong, cheese is okay.

But I don't like my brownies with cheese sauce, especially if it has like hot stuff with it. And the same goes for stuff like cake and ice cream.

Really I tell you that is a big deal. I sure don't enjoy it when that is the option for refreshment.

And most others don't either. Which makes for bigger problems when none of us ends up eating the cheese whatever.

Junior just ends up saying that is wonderful while his rat face drools at the chance to suck up some more cheese. Which makes it only wonderful for him.

Meanwhile, we need to keep this wonderful in the right perspective. That for me means being able to celebrate the joy of not letting it mess me up.

As long as it doesn't involve Junior then I really do find it the most wonderful form or wonderful.


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