Friday, March 07, 2008


How can complain about this? Well I guess the ones that charge for playing. But if you are the one doing the playing.

I know I sure am not complaining. Really do love when that happens. You know you get some extra fun for the same price or less.

Bargains are so cool. Too bad they don't come about when a person wants them to happen.

You know how it is. All that time you have to spend working on finding fun cheaper than the regular price.

But what bugs me is when you get a discount coupon out of the paper. Say for something like a burger for less than regular price.

I mean that is so cool. But sometimes they don't play fair on that part. You know they sit down and tell you that it is cheaper. However it doesn't end up being true.

Like the other day. I had this coupon for buy one burger and get one free. Well heck that was so cool.

So I went over to the burger place and wanted the free burger first. I mean it didn't say on the coupon that you had to buy the burger any time soon. So why couldn't they just take my word that I would buy it eventually.

Well we argued over that one for a bit. Then I took the time to you know make sure they weren't just being snots on the whole deal.

That's is when I finally agreed to buy the one burger. Only they still didn't give me the free one.

They looked at the darn coupon a second time and said it was no good. Can you believe the nerve?

They had some lame excuse that it was not made out for their burger joint. Does that suck or what?

I mean there was nothing on the thing that said it was only good at some other place. Now I ask you was that fair.

But they sure did not like you know bothering to do that. And I guess I was forced to take the time to cope.

It wasn't easy with the coping part. Especially when your tummy is saying food first. I can tell you it sure don't work for me when it shouts. I got myself a nice burger at somewhere else. Still got my coupon too.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: Life is full of many surprises, too bad some are when somebody cuts the cheese."


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