Thursday, March 13, 2008


Man you can forget this being a good deal at STINK. Only people who get special parking spaces are Dr. Hemoglobin and his son, rat boy, Junior.

The rest of us are out of luck. We just get the leftovers. And that ain't ever good at STINK.

Now the big problem is with the fact that we got more vehicles than parking spaces. So if you are late, you end up parking across the street.

And that sucks big time. Because the lot across the street is made of dirt. And it can be really yucky when it rains.

You know such a mess to park there and then wade through the mud to try and get to the Headquarters. Being all covered in mud doesn't not make for a cool look.

There are times when Otis and I ride the bus so that ain't so bad. Then there are times when we get to use a diaper service van and that works too.

But sometimes it just comes down to me using my moped. That happens when Otis gets busy and I have to come by myself.

I don't mind it, but man does it suck if I am you know having to do it on a rainy day. You can't get any windshield wipers on a helmet you know.

Or for your goggles. Wiping them with a sponge just ain't working. Let me tell you that sure don't impress anyone.

Plus my brakes don't work that good either. But can't be sure about that part. I mean you know when I have those darn swim fins on it is hard to be sure they are working on the brake pedals.

Well I do have to be so dang careful. You never know when a rain storm will cause a flood.

And I don't want to risk drowning or anything. So I figure the fins are the only safe option.

I wanted to you know get a life preserver, but couldn't afford one. So I had to like make one up.

About the best I could do was to take the toilet seat and tape some marshmallows to it. I figured they would float.

Only I forgot to put the seat back later. And Otis wasn't too happy when he tried to sit down and his naked butt touched the cold bowl. Did make a nice sound though. Well it sounded good to me.


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