Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Okay this is suppose to be a big deal I guess. You know lifting your arm and putting your hand to your head to salute whatever.

About the only part that sort of makes sense out of this is knowing you that when you do this people get to find out how well your deodorant works or doesn't work. And you know this mainly happens to soldier types.

They do have some strange rules anyway. Like that attention business. Just standing and not moving. Like that is a good thing.

Not to me. I don't get where that helps much of anything unless you want to be sure if any of them fart they get caught big time.

But I guess you know, you do have to make allowance for weird crap like that. I mean these army dudes are always out blowing stuff up, which is cool, shooting bad guys, which is also cool and in general making sure crazy people get what they deserve. However that does mean they need to salute all the time.

Like do they have to do it when in a tank? And would anyone notice. Oh well that is a big problem.

And at least I don't have to do it. At least so far. We almost did once though. A long time ago.

That as when old rat boy, Junior Hemoglobin, was decided we needed to be like an army. He got himself a nice uniform and all.

Didn't look that cool on him. Might if it was more modern. He got this one from a costume store.

It was one worn by old west cavalry soldiers. Had a saber and everything. Just not very up to date to be sure.

Well he made us all wear these crazy outfits. Ones he got from the costume store. I guess that was a good idea.

But honestly not that impressive when you know think us being dressed as a bunch of cavemen or green chickens all that helpful. Sure make it hard to salute while holding that club.

Too bad we didn't get to use it on him. Now that would have really been fun. Yep, I could be so happy with that option.

Oh well didn't work out that way. So I just had to live with the fact that he gave up ont he idea.


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