Wednesday, March 12, 2008



Now who loves to march? Like this is a popular thing. Well maybe for the dudes in bands.

I figure you know with them it is sort of law. Yeah, they can knock themselves out lugging those darn instruments and playing them and all that stuff.

They can have that stuff. I will watch, might even listen. But otherwise, forget it. Oh well they aren't the only ones that do this thing.

Soldiers march too. I suppose that is a good thing. They need the practice I bet. For holidays when they do the parade thing.

Yeah, that is fine with me. Only I'm not sure this is going to be something I want to mess with.

At least I hope they learn from all of that in some way. Which I think it the most important part.

And you can be sure that even if these people think this is cool I ain't joining them. I guess I wouldn't mind the idea of marching except for the lack of bathrooms.

All that moving around is bound to be hard on the kidneys. So for a dude like me it really is tough.

And what am I suppose to do if I marched along and they don't let me stop? A guy can only hold it so long.

Well I sure hope they appreciate that part. Seems like it is sort of important. Not sure why, but is to me.

In any case, I don't think I won't bother worried about it at this point. I think I will just take time to savor walking without all that marching.

I do have to admit I did give it thought once. Just you know one of those crazy ideas that maybe it was cool to march.

But you know that really ain't that big a deal to me. Since I figured out that in reality this probably has to take place in the month of March.

So we are only talking you know like one month out of the year. I could handle waiting till March.

Gee makes me wonder if all those other dude have a calendar who go marching the rest of the year. Maybe I better get them a few.
Yeah, I could do that if I don't have to march.


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