Friday, March 14, 2008


Buy Now Pay Later

I really like this idea. Yeah, it is cool. All you have to do is go down and pick out what you want, sign a piece of paper and you get the thing you wanted.

What is kind of vague though is the part about pay later. That really doesn't help if they don't tell you exactly when.

Or they try to pull a fast one and make it sound like there is no rush in paying it back. Like oh well take your time when you are ready then cool.

Only eventually it is whammo, we want it now. Honestly is this fair? Not to me. I mean later ought to be a later I choose if I'm paying it back.

But that is okay. I won't complain. Just still will pay it when I decide to. They do try to scare me with this business about interest.

Which sure don't interest me much. And they got this thing called an APR. Sounds like some kind of ape.

Who needs that? Not me. If I want to pay some gorilla I will go to the zoo. But heck that sure isn't my idea of a good time.

Well I did try sending them a banana once. I figured that was a good thing. Only it never ended up that way.

You know the whole banana wouldn't fit into the envelope with the bill. So I had to peel it and slice off some.

This doesn't quite make me happy. In any case, I did send them the banana. But you know when it was all smashed in the envelope it kind of stained the check.

Like I was supposed to think of that. Well they seemed to think so. And they didn't even think of saying thank you for the banana.

That's gratitude for you. Yeah, they didn't bother to say a nice word of appreciation for the effort.

Just asked for more money. Boy that sure wasn't kind. Not to me. And I leave that part to thinking it was best to not use this credit business again after they did that.

But you would think they would understanding. Only they still insisted on sending me more bills!

I'm teaching them though. I have plenty of bananas and I bet they run out of bills before I run out of bananas!
Yeah that will really teach them.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "Is there a cure for being boring that doesn't involve kissing somebody's behnd?"


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