Tuesday, March 18, 2008


There must have been real tough times for weathermen in the olden days. I saw this movie once about the days when gladiators were around.

Must have been a real long time ago. At least fifty years. Yeah and these gladiators when surrounded by the Roman dudes who were always saying all hail something.

Reckon they had big problems with bad weather a lot if they got lots of hail. Because that don't happen in summer.

Sure isn't something I want to be looking for that is for sure. Only never understood if they were worried about hail why they didn't dress better?

They were always wearing shorts. You would figure if hail was a big problem they would dress different.

Plus, it was kind of weird how they didn't along that well. They were always fighting and junk.

Even took the time to do it in front of witnesses. Yeah, that is kind of strange. I mean you would thing they wouldn't want to be seen where the cops might find out.

And you would thing they would not stay outside that much. Honestly, if you are worried about being clobbered by some hail why not stay inside?

Now it would seem to me they could have figured that part out for themselves. I guess they were too busy fighting to think about that.

Oh well I reckon that was not a big deal on their part. They did have shields and helmet. Must have been a pain to wear in a shower though.

Sometimes I really do wonder what makes some people thing. Sure ain't from having too much smarts.

Can't see where that was a big issue for them. I mean really don't know if I wouldn't have at least pointed out that to some body.

But then perhaps there is a lesson to be learned from all of this. Like never get into a sword fight if you ain't wearing underwear.

Er, something like that. I think I will work on that part. In the meantime I'm glad I don't live in terms with all hail.

Yeah, one of the things to truly be grateful for. Can't have enough of them in life can we? Nope I will always be happy when I don't have to worry about such things. Leave it to those weirdoes.


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