Friday, March 21, 2008


The giving part is good with this. I like to have a chance to be giving things. Just not all things.

Kind of important to keep that part clear. Just can't you know get into this deal of only deciding to let yourself just accept any old things.

Because you can be sure that is what you are going to get is something old and not very cool. Been there too often.

It comes from letting your brain get too excited over thinking things are very good when the word is mentioned give. Yeah that is so easy to happen.

And let me tell you boy can you feel stupid if that turns out to be a joke. Like you are thinking great and it ends up crap.

Just have to be careful you know, to always take time to lesson. Like is this person who is talking giving a nut case.

I sure don't want to have some hopes of a good thing only end up with it being something weird. Really does suck.

Now that is kind of the important part. Not good to have things that suck. They really don't make the day go well.

However, I've been working on a system to help with that problem. You know a simple way of not being left feeling stupid.

First rule is to be sure that you are careful to listen. Are you talking to an idiot or a genius.

Really does make a difference. Oh yeah that is dang important. We just need to be careful we don't mess up on that part.

Then too you need to be sure we always know if the person can be trusted to actually tell the truth. Oh yeah that is important.

We really can figure if the person is the kind that always fib they ain't going to change on this thing. A cream pie that turns out to be a rock will not be cool.

There are too many dumb people out there like that. Really they will tell you some incredibly stupid thing that they say is good.

But that is okay, I have learned to avoid them. Just never get near them if I can avoid it. Just a good rule.

Hope this makes sense to you. If not reread it till it does. That will help.

Thought for the week:"Is there a cure for being boring that doesn't involve kissing somebody's behind."


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