Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Now I have no idea where all these books are that need to be taught, but seems kind of strange to me. I mean who makes books that are retarded?

Is this a big problem that nobody wants to admit too? Honestly it is scary to thing about from my view.

I really can't understand why anyone would dare to start out making a book that could even learn from the junk inside. Now that is really stupid.

Honestly, I know that I've seen those signs that say, "slow school," but I always figured that they were about you know places were kids were kind of sluggish or lazy. But now I do wonder.

If they are ready books that are too stupid to learn how is the poor kid going to learn? Sure don't seem like it would be a good option.

And who sells these books anyway? Honestly, what kind of an idiot intentionally makes a book that is lacking in ability to teach you anything?

Where is the joy in that? I sure can't think of any. Well then I know better than to trust to some book in the first place.

Lord knows you can find them on most every subject. But hopefully a few make sense and are not going to make you dumb.

There are enough stupid people in the world. We sure don't need to add to the numbers. At least I don't think so.

You know I guess we do need to like help these dudes get some help. And I reckon we can't achieve that without you know the books being smart first.

Now maybe the problem is that the books leak. Yeah, maybe all the smart leaks out. Sure wouldn't help much.

I've heard of books on tape. Perhaps those are like where they taped it to keep it from leaking its smarts.

Yeah, I hope that would help. Really would be good to be sure they didn't get any worse. At least one would hope so.

Just not sure how much tape you would need. Probably would depend on how many holes it has.

And you can be sure I want to know before I dare to look at a stupid book that might risk leaking stupid all over me.


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