Sunday, October 07, 2007


Okay this is about things that are a tid and also bit. You know sort of leftovers that you have to kind of cope with even when you don't want to. That is tough at times.

Now tid bits that I have seen appear it the paper. And they are tids, er I guess small things, that are also bits. As in something you get to eat.

Only the stuff they mention are never that edible. At least as far as I can tell. Really I have to admit that when they list this in a paper, eating is not what seems to be the option.

Wish it was, but it never works out that way. Instead they will talk about stuff that seems more like little junk that you wouldn't bother to read otherwise.

Only because they put it in that section it really gets your attention. I keep thinking, oh boy I bet they are going to mention something tasty.

But when I get to reading, it never works out that way. It ends up some stupid story about a lady and her cat or some dude and his car or whatever.

Nothing I personally care that much about. I won't say it isn't good stuff. Just not the kind of good that I think will help me much.

That is a big deal to me. I mean it seems that it will not be a good thing. I just have to say it is not a way I want to do it.

But then they sure don't vote me for on that subject. Nope that never works. And let me tell you those stupid tid bit newspaper people could sure learn a lesson in that regard.

Only they don't seem to care. And you can bet that doesn't make me very happy. I'll have you know I did try to also to help them understand the problem.

Only it didn't do much good. Them dudes down at the paper just wouldn't listen to reason.

That's what Otis calls it when you try to get somebody to understand what they don't understand. Which is sort of my way of saying, "hey wake up stupid."

Only I didn't get the impression anybody was exactly chomping at the bit to listen. They might be all cool about tid bits. But sure aren't very much for bit, bit.

Nope that didn't happen. Just didn't manage to get anyone inspired to give it much thought.

Sure would have been nice though. Always so much nice when they cooperate. But that doesn't happen to be quite the way they did it though. And let me tell you even my bat didn't do much to improve things.


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