Wednesday, October 03, 2007


Well the one thing I like about this is how you know when you see a dude with his thumb out what he wants. You don't have to ask.

Which keeps things nice and simple. At least from my point of view. Can't say it necessarily ends with a good deal though in every case.

Mainly because some of those hitchhiker types are kind of picky. Why there are a few who even refuse a ride. Makes you wonder why they bother to hitchhike.

The other day for example, Otis and I were out on the road and this dude was standing there with his hand out. So we thought we would do the nice thing and offer him a ride.

Well the thing is we only have two seats in front so he would have to sit in back. But shoot man a ride is a ride from my point of view

And he just changed his mind all of sudden like we were trying to cause him problems. So we thought it was kind of rude on his part, but that was his problem I figure.

We didn't let it bother us though. We just kept on driving. Then we saw another person needing ride.

So we stopped to offer them one too. But you know what, they passed on the offer also. I'm telling you it really makes me wonder about such people.

The good news we finally figured out we think why they acted that way. It was the time when Otis was in one of his weird moods when it came to food. He had fixed this limburger cheese and spam sandwich. And it was kind of a hot day, plus we didn't have an AC in the vehicle.

That was sure a relief to find out it was the real problem. Next time Otis promises to not pack one of those lunches.

Besides, those buckets of dirty diapers in the back kind of have a smell that soaks into the lunch when it is hot. Not that we notice it much when we spend all day picking them up.

Oh well, guess we will try next time with the garbage truck. I'm sure people will be glad to ride in the back.

Maybe we'll pick a day when we don't have as much rotting garbage picked up. They might not be as cool about it.

Guess I will find out soon enough though. You just never can be sure with some people. But sometimes I reckon we will find out.

For better or worse I reckon.


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