Sunday, September 23, 2007


What is the deal with speed limits? I mean I was looking at this sign that said the speed limit on this one street was 45 miles an hour. And what I want to know is how come the street that never moves has to be told it is okay for it to go a whole 45 miles in a hour. Am I the only one who thinks this is stupid?

Plus no where does it say what all does that apply to. I don't see a single word where is says if that applies to cars or to anything else.

Now when you think about it, they ought to be more specific. After all it sure makes a difference if you are going that fast in a car or on a bicycle.

Then there is the case of the dude who is running. I mean will he get in as much trouble as the dude in the car? Probably not.

I really got to admit that sucks. After all they should like post all the different speed limit. That was it doesn't depress people.

Because if I figure it sucks to you know be on some bike and trying to kill yourself to do that speed limit and you get too exhausted. That really is do dang cruel.

But that is okay. I'm working on fixing that problem. I'm coming up with my own plan for traffic.

I figure we could make things so simple if we eliminated things like stop signs and other stuff that interferes. Just get rid of them.

Then we wouldn't even have to worry about speed. Just let them cruise along doing whatever looks good.

Not to keep things simple we could make it so you only went one way. You know, everyone heading the same direction would keep things easy.

Then we could like rotate. One hour one way, the other hour the different way. Doesn't that sound great?

I think so. And I would volunteer to make sure they all keep it correct. We could issue cell phones and call them every day with directions.

Or maybe just print out some rules. You know to keep it simple. Yep, I think it has great potential.

That's what Otis calls stuff that hasn't happen yet, but you hope will. And let me tell you that really is cool.

Now all I have to do is try and figure out how it find the potential in this that he won't end up having a reason to groan about.


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