Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Oh man let me tell you this can be so scary at times. Yep, there ain't nothing as terrible as having somebody decide to show you some cross before they bring out some handcuffs.

It is like you were a vampire or something. So they threaten you with the cross till they have a chance to put on the handcuffs.

Now maybe you haven't notice this being a possible problem, but I have. And that is because I pay to such stuff.

And let me tell you it sure is easy to miss. Some things are like that. This happens to me a lot to be honest. Yeah, I see all kinds of stuff and when I figure it out, nobody seems to get it.

Which is why I have my blog. I hate to deprive the world of my knowledge. You know I'm sure there are people out there that would really benefit from hearing all the good stuff I have to say.

Just can't expect everyone to appreciate it I reckon. Which is part of the reason I've been mainly spending my time writing rather than talking to people.

Plus they always seem to get so dang busy. You know I'll go up to them and start talking and the next thing you know they will like have something else to do.

I know how people can get that way though. It is easy to take place. Which is kind of shame considering they miss out on so much.

Like this deal about crosses and handcuffs. Now that is really a big deal. Ever notice that those people who carry crosses never show you any handcuffs. That is because they are hiding them.

Yep, that is what I figure. They are just hiding them till you get into a position where they can slap them on you.

It hasn't happen to me, but I figure it never pays to be safe. And let me tell you when you know that those crosses are made of metal and so are handcuffs, well there you go.

So they are just being sneaky at hiding them. That is kind of scary to me. What if they like lure you some place to show you the cross and then the next thing you know they are putting the cuffs on you. It is just too easy.

Yep, I'm passing on that option. People can be so darn tricky at times. We just have to always be on the lookout for people who act strange.

And if you need help with that. I can tell you about them too.


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