Monday, September 10, 2007


This is some big deal with certain people I guess. But I don't get it. I have seen this on paper at times. Somebody sends out a note and at the top it says, from the desk of.

Like I'm suppose to think that is a good thing. Only I'm not convinced. I mean is the fact that it comes from some guy's desk make it special in some way?

You do got to wonder. Well I do at least. I mean it is like this will change the world. Which never really in any way impresses me.

Because how do you really know the person actually had the thing in the first place? Really can you prove it?

Just because it says that on the paper doesn't prove a thing to me. Some crazy person may have done that just to make the other person look like an idiot if you ask me.

Yeah I can see where that might happen. Not that I expect them to give me a break in that regard.

But let me tell you I am not impressed with it. Nope, they don't intimidate me in the least that they can do something important with that paper.

Thank goodness that this doesn't come up all the time. I'm sure grateful for that. Yep. I always love to avoid thinking in those terms

I do have a nice option though. I guess it ought to, but I haven't experienced it. So you can pretty much figure that my way of dealing with this is to ignore them darn notes.

I figure that will teach them a nice lesson. Can't say it does for sure, but I do try. And one of these days I hope they figure out how stupid this whole thing is.

Like the other day, when they sent me that note from the desk of this one secretary. It was about her needing to see me regarding my insurance benefits.

Well I didn't fall for that. I mean they can pull that one over on me. Yeah, I know a con job when I see it. If those jerks thing they can sucker me into stopping by so they can try to sell me some insurance forget.

Guess I sort of upset her though. She sent me another note about my benefits had been cancelled.

I know that ain't true. I got this nice little card that says I got benefits. So just shows how silly they can be at times.

Oh well, just goes to show how it is such a pain. You never know when that is going to kick you in the butt.


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