Wednesday, September 05, 2007


This don't seem to me to be that tough to accomplish. I mean you are talking self and controlling it. What do you need, to have somebody slap you up the side of the head and say, "wake up, and push the button on the darn remote control."

How tough is that to accomplish? Honestly is this a difficult question? Apparently it is to some.

Not to me though. I don't find it difficult at all. I'm totally comfortable with hitting those buttons.

Now Otis, well that is a different matter. There are times he leaves me just scratching my head and wondering.

I don't want to say he's wacko, but honestly there are times when I really do wonder about him. It is just this weird thing I get that he for some reason don't like to you know change the stupid channel.

He'll just sit there and keep watching the same channel and acting like what is on is cool. Is there something about watching some dude planting a garden that I ought to consider exciting?

Well, I'm sorry, but it don't work that way for me. That dude has a problem as far as I'm concerned.

See the guy will keep planting and planting and all the rest of his time out in that garden. Really is nuts.

And Otis tries to make me believe this is a good deal. Like he would actually have a clue what a garden would look like.

I guess I would think it was cool if like that dude blew up something once and awhile. You just stuff something with a hand grenade or something.

Now that would make me so happy. A few explode melons would really improve that show.

I even suggested it to Otis, but he just sat there and kind of groaned. He sure does that a lot at times.

Any way, I normally just flip the channel myself and that seem to work the best. I'm really happy when I do that and don't have to worry about asking him any questions.

Really cuts down on the frustration at times. And if that don't work for self control I'm not sure what will.

Always fun when you can control junk I guess.


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