Thursday, September 06, 2007


What a yucky word. Ever notice that it only applies to things that are crappy to do? You never hear them mention this about fun stuff.

Like who has to be forced to eat an ice cream sundae? A little hot fudge ever get a complaint of, "No you can't make me eat that."

I've never heard anybody say that. And I'm sure I never will. It just ain't the kind of thing that you can find out.

Which is why I figure this discipline stuff was started by somebody really weird and down right sick. People who are obsessed with junk like making others miserable.

See if they picked junk that we would enjoy then we could all have fun. They wouldn't have to yell at us so much or make us do crap we hate if they stopped messing with the yucky junk.

But try telling those jerks that. You can forget them ever doing that. Nope, you can sure know that none will ever bother.

Like I said they are just sick and really in need of help. Only Otis won't let me do it my way. I figure a nice whack with a bat would solve that problem.

Heck, I would even have to be yelled at to do it either. I would just walk up and wham, problem solved.

Hey, no fuss, no muss, quick and painless. Okay, maybe not quite as painless perhaps as would prefer. But what the heck, it would hurt much.

I mean what the heck is the big deal anyway? I'm not the one who is making an ass out of myself trying to tell others what they should do that nobody wants to do.

So how come I can't be treated as a hero for doing this? Seems like a far thing. I am a super hero anyway, so it should just fit together.

But just try to get those dudes who work as policemen to accept that. I figure I'm doing them a favor.

By bashing some pain in the butt, I'm saving the trouble of somebody else having to do it. So it means to me they don't have to go hunting around for anyone. They just have me to deal with.

Heck that out to make them happy. But do they ever say thanks? Not even when they hold out their cuffs.

Yeah, that really makes me feel appreciated.


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