Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Now this is something where I sure think it would be fun to try. Not all the time. Just you know whenever life sucks.

Then it sure would have been times I would have lived and liked to change the way it was remembered. You know set down and have a chance to write history in a way that it comes out to be good for you.

That is something I would figure would be true. And I know it would make me happy. You know, just a chance to sit and feel good about how things happen.

That would really be so cool. Not that I expect it will ever happen. I mean I sure don't like the fact that I can't have a choice on what history says.

Just would be so cool. I mean really imagine if you could make the past the way you figured it should have been.

Okay you might say that sounds silly. But if you had a shot at it wouldn't you do it too? I think it really does seem to be a good thing.

Well at least to me. And you know I sure would be thrilled to just have one chance to do so.

But then there are times when you just don't get a break on that. Oh believe me I have tried. Honestly I have really tried. Just not in a way that will work for me.

That doesn't mean I don't want have big changes in history. Just enough to let life look so much cooler than it is.

And is there really a problem with that? After all who would it hurt? Not me? I figured you know that we could have so much fun that way.

Yeah, think of how much fun it would be to talk about giant marshmallow that was attacking and how I managed to save the world with a rubber band. Then afterwards eating the marshmallow during a parade in my honor.

See, wouldn't that be wonderful? And would it really be terrible if I could like you know totally have this be history?

I don't think it should be a problem. And you know I figure that this is something that is really a good thing.

But it is hard to always appreciate I guess. And that is why nobody bothers to say it will happen. I figure that is a good thing to eliminate.

Oh well my choice I guess.


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