Monday, September 17, 2007


Late ain't always bad. Just ain't always good either. Depends on what you are late for don't it?

Speaking for myself, well I don't know that I hate the idea of being late as bad as my pal Otis does. Man can get goofy about it. Like the world is going to come to an end if you do have such problems.

I guess it is okay. I mean being on time is a good thing. I will agree with that part. Just not sure it is all bad when it you are late.

As I said, I think in part it does matter what you are talking about. Some never can say for sure. They just hate it anytime anything is late.

But I'm sort of picky in that regard. If it don't mean the end of the world I will probably not be too upset.

On the other hand I got to admit if you are talking about the end of the world, it really is cool that it happens late. You get more time to panic.

I can't speak for somebody else, just me. I could use the extra time to panic more. I would enjoy it. At least I think I would.

However, I will admit that I can wait to find out for sure. I'm not sure that there is any reason to rush in that sense.

But then that is me. Some people might see it different. Which is fine by me. And you can count on me to get all excited if you ask me to do like everyone else.

In any case back to this better late stuff. It is pretty dang important at times. We just need to be sure we keep it all straight.

Only I'm not sure that we ever do. I know I'm ready to work on it. One of those times tables might help.

They are suppose to help keep tract of time. Only I can't say how great a job they do. I do hope they are better than the ones we had back in school.

Over there they had these charts with numbers and X's. Then you had an equals sign. And that was easy to know.

However, I didn't ever figure out those equals matched up with regular time. I tried by they always were like a given number. And that was okay, except time seems to come in more than two digits.

Maybe I just didn't you know, have one that wasn't faulty.


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