Sunday, September 16, 2007


Well I was just talking on this subject earlier so I might seem kind of pointless to mention it again. But then it is such a sweet subject, literally, I figure it deserves its own posting.

Yeah, frosting is so cool. A great and tasty food that makes almost anything better. Well that is my view of it.

And believe me I wouldn't say so if I hadn't tried it. You can be sure that I have done my best to be sure that I have check out the many ways this is cool.

So far I haven't found too much that it doesn't work with. I just am so dang proud of how I have been able to find a bazillion things that go good with frosting.

And the way I figure before I can endorse it as a perfect food I need to do more research. Right now I'm in the testing phrase.

Which comes down to me as the need to sort through my remaining options. So far I have pretty much check out most foods. Well, I didn't bother with some.

Like tamales and corn dogs. I sort of figured those were a given in terms of working with frosting.

But now I have to test the areas where I have to get creative. You know like with stuff such as batteries and car parts.

Yeah, I figure that it was great to be sure. I wish Otis had been more open to letting me do that. He can be such a pain about things like that.

So I've had to sort of work around him at times. It gets kind of frustrating too. I really hate when that happens.

At least the good part is that I did rule out socks at being better with frosting. Well mainly when you put them in the dryer.

Otis wasn't too thrilled with that experiment. Would have been a good idea to probably have only tried it with my socks.

Hey, what can I say? I mean I was in a hurry and felt I didn't have time to worry about such minor details.

He didn't seem to feel it was all that minor I guess. But you know I appreciate how all creativity does require a certain sacrifice.

I just wish that Otis hadn't decided that in this case the sacrifice ought to be taking away my frosting. Well I did manage to get it replaced when he wasn't looking. Hmm, I hope I did remember to not leave some in his underwear? Best go and check.


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