Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Oh this is a good thing. Yep, if you have people with that option it really is cool. I haven't found out where you get to find that option, but I sure would enjoy it.

I heard somebody talking about this cake being divine. Which I kind of thought was really strange.

I realize there are a lot of strange religions out there, but I still have trouble of thinking somebody thinks of cake as a god. It is fantastic to eat, but I ain't praying to it myself.

Now don't get me wrong, I don't know what god looks like. I tried to get the Reverend Analbe to explain it once, but you know he never did. I mean he does talk to god personally, so if anyone should know what God looks like he should.

But every time I ask, he never gives me a decent answer. Mainly does a lot of talking to the Lord. Won't even bother to introduce me or nothing either. Talk about being rude!

Heck you would think you know with me offering to buy him some donuts like he always loves that would have made the difference. But it didn't.

Still don't think God looks like a seven layer cake. And I sure don't plan on trying to find out what flavor either.

Course I do recall hearing about the time he created all that stuff called manna. Think it was some kind of cookie. Not sure how good it would taste out on the desert. Never heard if they kept it in packages.


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