Thursday, September 27, 2007


Who makes up the rule on this? Is there like a committee somewhere that votes on the great thing?

I sure would like to find out for sure. Seems to me that they are kind of screwed up on this deal.

From what I've seen there are a lot of great that get this title, but aren't that great. At least not as far as I can tell.

Perhaps the insane part is this thing of the world's greatest. Who came up with this title? And how can there be so many world greatest?

I was over at this burger place the other day. They had this world greatest burger signs out. I tried once. Tasted good, but no better than some of the other burgers I've had. So did these people have the right to like claim that title? Did they win a burger contest?

I tried asking them, but it didn't do any good. The manager wasn't there and the assistant manager kind of didn't give me much of an explanation. He did offer this piece of paper that had a list of their ingredients.

I couldn't tell much from that. Wasn't that impressive either. First thing that I questioned was the thing about there being you know, a hundred per cent beef burgers.

I'm sorry, but if you toss in the bun and all the condiments, you taste a lot more than a hundred per cent beef. Which is good because only meat might be a little boring.

So I'm happy with them not claiming a hundred per cent. The dude at the burger place didn't seem to agree though.

He didn't even bother to give me a burger that really was all a hundred per cent beef. I mean like you know having the bun make out of burger too.

Well I did get a nice coupon out of it. Only it was for some other place. The guy seem to think it was a good idea I went over there for my burgers after that.

Guess I'll give it a try. And that guy seemed really about me asking people over there all my questions. Got a real smile when suggesting it.

Hope those people are friendly though. Such a pain when they aren't. You know it kind of takes the fun out of eating when that happens.

But at least so far there are a lot of burger joints that give me coupons to other places and that is a good deal. And maybe I ought to go back and ask them sometime if they have more. I got a feeling they would be very happy to let me go elsewhere a lot. Can't say for sure, but seems to be the case.


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