Monday, September 24, 2007


Is there anything complicated in this phrase? It has the words, take and one? How much easier could you want?

So if we all you know understand it, why is it complicated? Shouldn't be in my way of thinking.

But you might be surprised at the people who get this all messed up. First of all there is the take part. That isn't hard to understand.

And the thing to me is that should be the easiest thing to handle. I mean how hard is it to grasp what taking is about?

The part that sort of does get confusing is about the one. Okay, one is well, one. But when they say one, they never mention if you are talking one at a time or one forever.

That is not something they should forget. I mean really one forever is a lot different that one every once and a while.

And they never clarify it either. Like over at the candy store. They have this free samples section.

Which has this sign saying take one. So I should be able to take one. And I always do. Only you know I come back later, which to me is different and try to take one again.

Oh man is that such a pain. The way those dudes act when I do that. You would think I was like stealing or something.

Hey, I didn't make the stupid sign. So don't blame me for the fact that I decide to do what it says.

But you know I told them dudes about the take one problem not saying when or how often. And I won't repeat what they said, but taking wasn't quite a good part of it.

Yeah, they sure weren't what you call customer friendly is that situation. I wish they were more cooperative on that part.

And since they didn't act decent I decided why should I worry about what they think. That is when I took the I O U approach. You know where you borrow from the future and plan on paying it back later.

So I figured I would like take one for other days to come. Course I wasn't going to have to pay it back. But figured you know, I would just not take one on those days.

Seems like a good deal too me. They didn't seem to agree. And if they ever let me in that store again I will tell them what I think of that idea!


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