Monday, October 01, 2007


Ah, ain't this grand? You get invited to some party filled with jerks, but you go anyway because they are serving lots of good foods.

Only you don't spend time with the nuts because they bore you. Instead you get to stay off by the food and smile a lot.

I really enjoy those times. I have lots of fun when the dull and stupid people don't ruin my fun. And that is so cool.

Now what is bad is when I get stuck dealing with having to do with Otis. Now he has this stupid idea we need to be friendly.

I mean just cause some guy is the host of the party, does it mean I got to hang with him if I don't like him? I think it is better if I don't bug him and just enjoy his food.

In this case, I'm talking about somebody like old rat boy, Junior. There is no way to warm up to some cheese hording snot like him.

Otis insists that if he gives us the food we have to be nice to him. I don't care if he gives me like a life time supply of jelly beans it is hard to like a snot like him.

I will eat his food since he invited me. And I figure the insults he gives me are enough payment.

But not to me. I'm sorry, but if he's going to act like a jerk, I'm not going to be impressed. I will tolerate munching on his food.

Providing it is other than cheese. Man those cheese parties of his are really sucky from my point of view. Cheese is okay, but not all the time.

So I prefer to just snack on his other choice. Only hoping that doesn't include you know some stupid food by Truly Grimy.

There ain't no way I will ever find that a reason to be friendly. At least her stuff smells so bad you don't have to worry very much.

Other than that, I do my best to just keep smiling. Mainly from the times I get to snack and not talk to old rat boy.

Fortunately after he's called you an idiot once or twice he gets bored. And I do too when I put laxative into his drink.

Yeah, it is childish, but so is life. So at least I do get to smile about it from time to time. Hopefully while snacking. And even better when it doesn't make me puke or see things that make me go crazy.


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