Friday, September 28, 2007


I like this part. Where somebody is not running around saying they are the greatest, but are happy just to be sort of great.

Kind of like being a hero, but without the fame, fortune, attention or glory. Um, dont' sound so hot when I put it that way I guess.

But the idea for me is that this ain't necessarily a bad thing. Just kind of depends on how you choose to look at it.

In any case, if you handle this right it can be so cool. Just you know having the chance to feel like you are great, but not have to worry about anyone to make you prove it.

Course I do consider that a big deal. After all, we all do enjoy feeling we are good at stuff. And what is wrong with that?

I can't think of anything. We all love to feel special. Just too bad some are more special than others.

That is the part I wish I could change. Not that some people don't have a right to feel special. Just wish we all had the same change.

Only I reckon if we made everyone special it would sort of take the meaning out of being special. Then we would have to call it something else.

Which could be kind of confusing I suppose. And I don't know, I reckon that is not a good option.

Perhaps what we need is to figure out a new option in that regard. We can always try to come up with a different solution I reckon.

What I'm not sure would work. But it might be fun to imagine. And I'm willing to give it a shot if I can.

Just never can say for sure what all we might come up with if we try. That is something worth thinking about at least.

In any event we can move ahead I reckon and that is important too. Not sure how much though.

I wish I could figure a way to work out the details though. And it might be fun to figure out if it was possible.

But I suppose that is the important thing. We get a chance to savor the wonderful idea of change even if great don't mean great at times. And that is the part I plan on working on when I can.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "They talk about people's right to know. What is it is on the left?"


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