Thursday, October 04, 2007


I heard this said about people. What lame person came up with that idea? Honestly it sucks.

I mean come on let's be honest here. Good looking ought to be something that you like to look at. And looking at people is okay. Can be even fun if they are goofy enough in appearance, but otherwise, I don't know for me good looking should be something that gets me excited.

Which is like things such as some tasty foods. Oh yeah those really do make me drool. I can excited about that. Because it will make my tummy happy.

However, you know I guess some other stuff can be good looking too I suppose. I mean food isn't always good. Sorry, but if Truly Grimey fixed it you can forget it.

I'm not going to even try to eat it. Or think of it as good. Just me I suppose, but that is my view of it.

In any case, other junk that would be good would have to be something starts out being good. At least in my view.

That sure don't include garbage in my view. Believe me I have tried to see it as good. But no matter what I do, it sucks.

And that is the part I have to be honest about. Just not my idea of good or even worth looking at.

What also is good to me is when I'm talking about something like say seeing some griminal lying unconscious. You can be sure that looks good to me.

Well not everyone looks at it that way I suppose. And I understand that part. But I still got my standards of that you can be sure.

That is what Otis calls what he says is good looking. Course on his list the top thing would probably be Spam.

To each their groan I guess. Works for me I suppose. Not wishing to groan myself though. But after Otis has say four or five of these spam, onion and whatever sandwiches you can bet he is groaning.

That is okay by me. But I sure don't plan on joining him. Nope for groaning I will settle for just my jelly beans.

They might not be as fancy as some of Otis sandwiches, but then I don't have to worry about if I belch people end up giving me weird looks. That I leave for Otis.

Which I will leave him to deal with.


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