Saturday, October 20, 2007


I hear those dudes who talk about been there done that. And that's cool I guess. I mean for them it is I reckon.

But does that mean it is a good thing? Well, I guess that would depend on if you are enjoying the stuff you've done and seen.

Now if you are that's cool. I mean it is always a good thing if you see something and then do it and all if fun.

But what if it ain't? I ask you if that all sucks, then what is the good part about it? I can't think of much to brag about if you saw something was dumb and stupid and still did it anyway. Sounds like a personal problem if you ask me.

That what Otis always calls it when you do stupid things and should have known better. Well at least when it applies to somebody else.

He doesn't say that about himself if and when it happens. Nope. Then is isn't a personal as far as he claims.

He'll come up with some kind of weird explanation on how in his case it is different. But I ain't that convinced.

Nope I have learned that part is different only in Otis' view. Not as far as I can see for myself.

But then what can I say he thinks it is better to talk about it that way. So I just go whatever. That is my answer when I really have no idea what to say.

That happens a lot to me when talking to Otis too. But at least it ain't that wahy with everyone.

The rest I just get stuck hearing about all that been there, done that stuff. Which don't impress me much.

Because they never talk about it being a good thing. It is like, oh man I wish I hadn't done that.

But I kind of figure it might be nice if they you know just once seemed to enjoy the whole thing. Only I haven't seen that so far.

And I guess it is good they figured it out at some point. Now it is too bad they didn't do that before they messed up though.

That would have at least made some sense I reckon of if they you know figured it out so it was a good thing and it made them happy. Haven't seen that, but always hoping.


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