Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Oh man I guess someday thinks this is a good thing. Not sure I see it that way though. I mean the idea of a track is not one of my favorite things. Because tracks always mean work.

Well they do for me. I guess it is because the only tracks I ever deal with are the ones we go over that are used by trains.

I don't have anything to complain about them except that are a pain to drive over at times. And fast is not the word that comes to mind when I think of them.

Slow is the best choice, unless you like being bumped to death by going to fast. Then Otis always makes sure we watch out for trains.

Why, I'm not really sure. I mean if a train is coming you generally get some kind of warning. Like that giant stick lowering and smashing your van. Yeah, that can suck.

So it means spending all this extra time doing all that stuff you don't have to worry about when driving somewhere else. Otis makes me really stress out over it too.

I mean you got to look both ways and at the same time worry that it might end in some disaster if you miss something. And let me tell you if some stupid train eats our van Dr. Hemoglobin will not be a happy camper.

Well that is how Otis talks about it. Personally, I've never known our boss to even go camping, but I guess that is a good thing.

As for me, well I would rather not even bother. I would just as soon avoid the tracks all together.

Let me tell you if there is one thing I don't want it is to have the extra pressure to work at nights either. Oh true the it is kind of cool to be out there when there is no traffic, but I'm not that keen on the idea of having to worry that some big train, which happens to be black sneaking up on us in the dark.

Try explaining that when you have train tracks smashed into your bumper. I'm just glad I don't have to worry about it every day.

Yeah, that would really suck. But at least I guess if it was night it would be every night. Which don't happen either thank goodness.

In any case, I do manage to survive and that is the best part. Because those dark tracks are not that much fun to mess with when you have to worry about all that other junk happening too.

Which is what I keep telling Otis, but he still makes us go over the tracks.


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