Saturday, October 13, 2007

Seems like somebody always is wanting me to take some kind of test. Which I never get excited about.

Because they never exactly give me anything cool as reward just for taking the stupid test. Seems like if they are going to waste my time expecting to do that test thing they ought to make it worth my while.

And that doesn't even have anything to do with actually passing these dang tests. That ought to reap you even bigger rewards.

But that never seems to be the way it works. And when they don't make it the least bit exciting I really hate it.

I guess the main place I get stuck with tests is over at STINK. Something gets Dr. Hemoglobin inspired to decide to give us some fun test. Only his idea of fun sure doesn't match mine.

I figure you know if I'm already doing something that ought to say enough. But i guess it doesn't impress my boss.

He isn't satisfied with me doing junk. He actually expect us to prove we can do junk. That is where the test part comes in.

I don't know. For some reason he got the idea that doing junk is never prove you are doing it right. So he will give us these tests in order to prove it.

Which I wouldn't mind except that he keeps thinking you know that our doing junk ought to match how he sees it as being done. And then he comes up with this group of test with all kinds of weird questions.

Like when it comes to operating the garbage truck. I mean you know what buttons to push and that ought to be enough.

It ain't for him. He wants us to know when we should push them too. Now I ask you is that fair?

Well he think it is. Me, I'm not convinced. I didn't say he was going to listen to my complaints on that either.

Because if we object he takes it to mean we really don't know. Then he will decide to take time to give us even more tests.

And who needs that. Let me tell you that really sucks. So I end up just keeping my mouth shut and that way I don't get pissed when he asks me to explain that you press the blue button to move radio station from one channel to another. I just figure pushing it works good for me.


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