Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Now this is different that highs and lows ain't it? Oh valleys are normally low and peaks high, but they don't have to be quite like mountains and your usual valleys.

I was in this place where this dude was talking about hitting his peak. And the way he was talking it didn't sound like some mountain either.

Plus why would you hit a mountain? It ain't like it would help anything. A peak is hardly got a brain so you couldn't piss it off by hitting it. And besides it is made of dirt and rock, that would hurt.

Well it would for me. But this guy sure did feel so dang proud to have hit that peak. And he said it was his peak. So I guess he own it.

What you would want to own a peak for is hard to say. And I kind of wonder if he owned the rest of the mountain too?

He never did say for sure. I reckon that is something I won't find out since I didn't know this guy. Just over heard him talking at the store to some friend of his.

But you know how it is when people brag about stuff. It means you do it because it is impressive somehow.

So that means this peak thing must be a big deal for more than a few people. Only I never have found out what kind of folks have all these peaks to own.

Never seen it on some for sale ads either. So I got no idea where they managed to find a place that even sells peaks.

Guess they don't want to share that information either. Because so far no matter where I check I haven't found a place that does that.

I wish I could though. I think I would like to take a shot at owning one of those peaks if I could.

Not sure what I would do with it though. Might be fun to find out. Although, still want time to think about it a little more.

As for the valley, well haven't heard anybody talk about wanting to hit them. So apparently that ain't considered as cool.

And there is no way I want to spend time slapping around some valley if it don't get any decent results. No sense having to mess with things that aren't cool if it never does any good.

I'll take it as the best option for now.


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