Monday, October 08, 2007



Again I'm back on this bits things. To me a bit and a piece aren't that much different. So I don't know that I see them as much different.

About the only big difference I can think of is how they mean different kinds of small things. Like you know, when something is broken it is known a pieces. At least too me.

Then there is the reality that with bits you are talking about a lot of stuff that might not be broken. It started out as a bit.

Kind of nice when you think of it. A bit started out life knowing it will never be more than a bit.

Yeah, I bet that is a good way of looking at life. You know that you can look forward to being what you were always meant to be

Kind of nice to be that aware of your purpose in life ain't it? You don't have to sit back and wonder. Just enjoy being a bit.

Now for those poor pieces it just ain't that way. They probably started out something good and then fell back to being a piece.

I wonder if they ever get depressed? I bet they would have a reason to be so. Yeah, you do got to imagine it might be tough being a piece.

Then too do they ever get so upset and frustrated they figure it would be good if they went on strike? Not sure what they would want when they did go on strike.

But I reckon there is a way to figure it out. Not sure that pieces talk much though. Wonder if they would have much to say?
Well I reckon you could ask. Not sure if they would answer though. That would be the part that you had to question.

At least I do. And then I do have so many important questions like that. And when I find out if it matters or can get the answers. Then that is the best part.

In any case, I think I will keep wondering and seeing if I can figure that part out. Seems only fair.

But then I always think everything is fair. Yeah, it ought to be. But so far I have found out that everyone agrees.

At least if they don't feel that we can move on and be happy with the choice that come our way if we are a piece or a bit. One way or another that is a good thing if we let it become that way.


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