Saturday, November 08, 2008


I’m still hung up on this gravity thing. And the idea that whatever goes up has to come down.

I’ve been giving that a lot of thought. And you know I’m not sure that is true. Yeah, clouds go up and I don’t see them come down.

Starts are up there and I don’t see them normally falling. Plus you know what about them flying saucers?

Who says they come down? Not me. Nope there is no way that is something we can prove.

Now the deal to me is maybe these aliens got some special tools for messing up gravity. I don’t know just isn’t the same to me.

In any case I figure it is worth checking in too. Yeah, maybe if we can get them to stop buzzing cornfields and junk they might give us a break.

Then perhaps we might even get them to help with other junk. Stuff related to gravity like levitation.

That is the stuff where you can move junk without needing to use your hands. Yep, that is a fun thing.

Course over at STINK old rat boy, Junior, his idea off levitation is making us move junk. Now he is weird enough to be from outer space.

Wish he would go back there though. No such luck I guess. Oh well I can wish. Hey, what would really be cool is if I could like get the aliens to take him.

Then it would be so cool. Yeah, I could be happy with that part. Yep, I could be happy with that option.

Well now all I have to do is fine some aliens. Hmmm, I wonder if I could place an ad in the paper?

Might be fun. Wanted alien to take rat boy. Er, something like that. Yeah, I could get excited over that option.

Heck, if they would make it forever, I would even be willing to pay. Not sure what kind of money they use.

Hope it isn’t jelly beans. Might be a tough choice. Nope, I could have a hard time parting with them.

Still having Junior go up and not come back down would be worth considering.


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