Monday, November 03, 2008


One thing I know with this is that it will be a problem. The more somebody says this the more you know it will give you a headache.

Found out this the hard way. Dealing with too many jerks. The ones that always tell you things are no problem and they are.

But that is the part that you have to learn. Too many fibbers out there. Oh yeah, a whole lot of them.

Which is fine if you know it up front. And I sure try. Yep, really do have a fun time sorting that part out.

Can be a pain though. I mean the fibbers don’t wear signs. Not like the admit it. Nope, never will do that.

That is the bad part. These dudes love to be sneaky. And the only time you find out what they are like is when it comes up later.

But that is often too late. By then you have made all your plans to expect junk that will never happen.

Now what is really a crack up is when they tell you junk that is not even close to true. Yeah that really sucks.

And it is too bad that they just can’t stop being jerks. And well I guess that ain’t very likely.

But I do my best to take care of this problem. Only problem is my bat just wears out at times.

Still we do have to do what we can. We are just in that position to be sure that we don’t let them get away with it any longer.

Nope, the only way I figure to stop this is to make an example out of somebody. Otis is big on the example thing.

Yeah, he will always talk about it. But he just has this crazy idea that this is about telling them about it.

Which is fine I guess. But sure don’t stop them from doing it again. I know, because this is what I found to be the case.

So I let him talk to them. Afterwards I go pay them a visit with my bat. Sure am glad that I get to do that.

Yeah, doesn’t stop the problem, but sure makes me feel good.


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