Tuesday, November 04, 2008


I don’t understand this swooning deal. Really, have to think it is some weird deal. Only seem to happen to ladies.

And when they also are listening to certain music or seeing some full moon. I sure hope this swooning stuff ain’t hurtful.

I mean I don’t’ want to you know have some lady decide to go wacky on me and do something crazy. It could happen.

But I have been lucky so far. Isn’t been a problem. I do watch out from time to time when I go out in public.

Yep, there are ladies all over the place. And you can hear lots of music. I don’t want some lady ending up having a swooning fit and me getting blamed.

Yeah, that would be awful. You just never know when they will go crazy like that . I just don’t want to get in trouble about it.

That is not a good thing. Since you never can be sure what will happen if you get blamed for this stuff.

But then I reckon you know some just can’t help themselves. I heard a couple of ladies talking about that time of the month.

Yeah, not sure what that means, but well sounded awful. I figure this swooning deal just comes over them in some way.

Sure don’t want to be part of that. Not if I can help it. I get that is what the PMS thing means.

Probably stands for Predictably Monthly Swooning. Sure wish they had a way to undo if they could fix that.

But then I guess I am also happy it ain’t me. Yeah, I hope they can find a cure for this thing.

Boy would be good for the ladies. Well, I suppose they will work on it. Not me. I don’t want to risk even catching it.

Could be too dangerous. Might end up doing something crazy. And I do enough of those things already.

Well in the means that I will just be cool and not worry about it much. As long as I don’t have to be around ladies when they go this PMS thing.

Hmmm, I wonder if they should wear signs? Just a thought I guess.


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