Monday, November 17, 2008


I don’t think this is a good thing. I was walking over by this company and saw a sign that says “positions available.”

They said there were both part time and full time positions. Now personally, I don’t think I would want to sit all the time.

It is okay for watching movies or being in car, but it can be boring it if happens to often. Then you can get a numb butt.

That just ain’t my idea of a good thing. Might work for somebody else, but not me. And I reckon there is a good way to fix it too.

Basically, I figure that it will be something I can take care of my way. Which is to not to business with some outfit that tries to tell you when to sit down.

And also when you have to do it all the time. Now that really sucks. You sure got to wonder about that part.

You know I reckon it might be a case of them deciding people need more rest. That can make sense.

But do they have to tell us when we can? I do question that part. Really does suck from my view.

And I don’t plan on stopping by such places to have them tell me about it either. Nope that won’t work for me.

So I do also wonder why some would even bother. You know sounds kind of weird to imagine them working in a place that says this is a good idea.

Guess it is okay. Just not sure I would care to join in. That would not do for me. I think I will just stick with my own version.

Which is to sit down when I want to. And not let them tell me it was their idea. Hate when that happens.

But you sure got some weird folks out there. And you never know when that will end up being a problem.

Now for me, I guess I will just keep sticking with STINK. It is at least something that they don’t expect that.

And I am grateful for that part. Just makes things so much simpler when I can sit when I want too.

I guess that is a benefit huh?


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