Tuesday, November 11, 2008


When it comes to this business of ways, there are a lot of options. You got your one way, wrong way, two way and then there is no way.

There are all kinds of signs for stuff like one way and wrong way. Sort of like they figure you are stupid and can’t understand stuff.

As for two ways well shoot that is easy to see. No signs needed there. That works kind of easy too.

The hard part is with the no way stuff. It really don’t get advertised much. People kind of ignore them.

But you can be sure if you mess up you’ll find it our real quick. Oh yeah that happens lots of time.

And that really bugs me. I mean the ones you need to know about the most are the ones you can’t find signs.

I mean I really do appreciate if there is no way something is going to happen it is the way it has to be. But why pretend?

It is like it is some secret. And that ain’t helping in any way. Not to me at least. If something is broke then I want to know.

Now this really bugs me. I mean when you are expecting something good and then zap, nothing happens.

So you call up whoever is suppose to fix such junk and they try to tell you it will be all okay. Lots of promises that don’t work.

In the end you find out too late you are getting nothing. No good stuff at all. Just don’t end up being told it that way.

And let me tell you I sure don’t appreciate it. Man does that suck. Really no way out to have signs too.

Just think we need more work on this. I’m tired of hearing maybe that doesn’t really mean maybe.

And only when they do this to stop being jerks about it will I like it. Yeah, I want it to be something truthful.

Well kind of. I do like hope. Only not when it is bogus. Just not when it is all crap. And I sure get plenty of that.

Well it is all fun to somebody, just no way to me.


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