Monday, November 24, 2008


Now I think this can be okay. Just depends on the name. Yeah, some people can be so dang rude.

It is like their brain goes on vacation. And that is never cool. Not to me. I think they are just jerks.

But I would rather think of the good kinds. You know where people are telling you how great you are.

You just have to be sure they are not like lying. Just saying it to be get on your good side.

There are sure a lot of people like that. They really suck. And let me tell you that is not fun.

Personally, I work hard on not spending time with such jerks. Kind of a big waste of time.

And I am really grateful that I don’t deal with them more often. No fun in that. And most of the time you don’t get anything out of it.

So you just keep plotting along and hoping when a person is being nice that they are not up to something phony.

Now a big clue you are dealing with a jerk is when they say junk that you know is like too good. Somebody who out of the blue says you are great.

Yeah, and if they never did that before you know it is bogus. So they ones that do it too obvious you can forget about.

Now the sneaky one make it appear that they are pals. They will act as if they will observe something you like.

And then mention in a way that looks like they care. But then once they get on your good side they will prove they are jerks too.

Yeah, they will make sure they hint at something they want. And there is no way I’m giving up my jelly beans for anyone.

Nope I draw the line there. Been fooled a couple of time and that was enough. But that is one thing that happens.

Hate those times, just can’t avoid them. Pity life gets that way. Why can’t they make a rule on that.

But then it would most likely have a tax I reckon.


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