Sunday, November 23, 2008


Man this is such a dangerous subject. You can really find yourself in big trouble on this one.

And what is really scary is how most people don’t even know it. They just think bubbles are fun.

Well let me tell you I learn different. Yeah, you never know when a good thing will suddenly go nuts.

Now normally you don’t even find bubbles that much. You can buy those little bottles and blow your own.

But it is when you talk about the word blow that I get nervous. Because you just never know when it might explode.

They never talk about that part. Yeah, I bet they don’t want to admit it. But what is in a bubble?

Stuff that makes it float. And you never know if that could be dangerous. I mean if it was heck would they even tell us?

Just take a gander at them thinks called blimps. They are really big bubbles. Even bigger than balloons.

And I hear they can explode. And a long time ago, must be more than five years there was this one extra big one.

It was called the Hinder-turd. Man who comes up with such a name? But I bet it mean it was full of gas.

Now how smart was that? Not to me. Nope I think it was plain dumb. But it did end up exploding.

So you got to wonder if maybe it all started with some dudes messing around with bubbles. I can see it.

Didn’t end up very smart, but heck we all do dumb things. They just don’t all explode. I sure am glad for that.

Well maybe we can get them to stop making bubbles if the might end up making other junk later. Stuff that goes boom.

Hope some of them bothers to read this and think about it. Sure would be a good thing. Well reckon there is hope.

That some will get brains. But not sure when.


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