Monday, April 14, 2008


Such a nice deal when this is for good reasons. Like going to a movie or out to dinner. It can suck those if it is for bad reasons.

Like you know if you are all set to have a good time and then you get stuck with some stupid chore. I hate when that happens.

Then tonight is the night in yucky way. And you know I sure don't love it. Nope, not when I have to put up with some crap.

Butt the good part is that this doesn't happen very often. I'm grateful for that. Just do my best to cope when it does take place.

I like the word cope. It means to me bend over and take it. Then don't complain about it. Yeah that is so much fun.

But I sure don't feel that way at times. Man is that not my idea of a good time. This coping seems to be mainly something I get stuck doing.

Doesn't seem to happen to others that way. Well not where I work at least. But then I am not surprised.

They got some pretty strange rules on the subject of you know life in general. Now basically is their is crap to be done, we get to do it.

But if there is fun to be had, they get to have it for themselves. And if we squawk, boy that is when this coping business comes out.

And let there be a chance they might get stuck with the crap and coping is not the word they would use. More like whining.

If we did that it would be a source of complaint. They would gripe about our attitudes and lack of team spirit.

Which would not quite be the way they view their behavior. Nope it doesn't work that way.

I mean you would think that they would at least try to make this out to be good. We are supposed to be the good guys.

But they sure are not going to give us a break on that part. And in any case I will do what I have to in order to be professional.

Which is coping when somebody pays you to cope. Otherwise this is not going to be something you think of as fun.

Which is okay by me as long as somewhere I get compensated. And that doesn't happen enough. But I keep trying.


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