Tuesday, April 08, 2008


Well I've been giving this a lot of thought lately. I think houses are a good thing. Just a little strange at times.

I mean you know I haven't figured out why they call them home owners. I wouldn't have thought that houses could own people.

And then after that part you got to pay taxes just to be owned by a home. Is this some kind of strange law?

Like if you get owned by a home you are stupid and need to be punished? Kind of seems that way too me.

Which is really not cool. But I guess that is okay if you are cool with it. I wouldn't be. Nope no home is going to tell me what to do.

I reckon the best thing is to like you know not fall for whatever lies a house might say to sucker you into such choices. Which since no house has lips makes it kind of sneaky.

No complaining though. I ain't fallen for it yet. And don't expect too. You won't find me being stuck out mowing some lawn on a Saturday when a house is in a bad mood.

Man that is kind of scary when you think about it. Do they like keep you trapped in the garage if you don't do what they want?

I sure don't plan on being a victim of that kind of abuse. I think I will not give myself a chance to find out.

Nope, I will stick with living in an apartment. Unless I can get a castle somewhere. I hear that is a good thing.

Something about being in one makes you a king. Gee I wonder if that would mean I got stuck not wearing my beanie.

Still a moat might be fun. Yeah, all that water and stuff where you go for a swim or just wash something.

Yeah, that would be cool. Still haven't heard if the home owner deal applies to castles. Might be best to find out.

Can't say I want that option. And I reckon unless they like abduct you for some reason I won't have to worry.

Oh well, that is not my concern at this point. I will not let any house sneak up on me and try that one.

Better to just not turn my back on them. Kind of hard at times, but mirrors help.


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