Tuesday, October 23, 2007


That really bugs me when you hear somebody talk about what somebody else said and they can't tell you who said it. I mean they tell you something really crazy that gets you all excited and then can't even who said it.

Sort of like it was told to one person who then told to another and then another and before long nobody is sure who said what. But just that somebody said it.

Now if you are talking like some ordinary thing that everyone says then no big deal, but sometimes they go kind of wacky with something really strange. Then you get worried where they came up with it at. Like wondering if the person who actually said it knew what they were talking about or just nuts?

That can be a big deal from my point of view. Because it makes a lot of difference to me in terms of if the person might be right on some crazy thing.

Honesty what if the sky really is falling? Okay I admit that it looks pretty sturdy up there. Haven't really felt much reason to get very excited that will actually happen.

However I sure wouldn't want to be surprised either. I mean if I'm sitting there and some cloud suddenly sits down on the couch next to me I might want to know about it ahead of time.

The good news is that I'm sure looking forward to finding out who takes all those dang socks out of my drawer. I think it must be some kind of conspiracy.

I bet there is a place where they sell them. Yeah, I wonder if there is some black market for single socks?

Well I sure want to find out in advance if I can. After all that is the kind of thing you just don't want to not know.

But that's okay, I really do savor the nice joy of getting to the root of that info. Makes me wonder if somebody is doing it and in this case don't plan on bragging about it.

So I guess we have to worry about the stuff that they say and the stuff they don't say. Man this can be so confusing.

However, I do plan on continuing to watch out for who this person is saying all this stuff. I bet it is just one dude with lots of free time.

And if I find him man you can bet I'm going to make it admit he made all this stuff up. Yeah, then we can stop worrying.

Until the next person go nuts and I bet there are plenty of them that will do that. Probably have a club.


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