Friday, October 26, 2007


When I think of this it is a good thing. Being full of pop or jelly beans or whatever is a good thing.

But there are plenty of other things you can be full of that are not always good. Which happens a lot more than I would have expected.

At least if you were to listen to my buddy Otis. Man when he talks of people like politicians he says they are full of baloney.

Not baloney is okay. I eat it sometimes. And it isn't bad in sandwiches. Only I wouldn't put it in them all the time.

Oh maybe once and a while, but shoot I can't imagine those politician gobbling down a ton of it. That is really amazing to me.

I just can't imagine loving baloney that much. I've heard of people going on weird diets, but that is kind of strange to me.

Oh well, to each their own I guess. And I suppose being full of baloney is better than being full of bull or crap.

Otis says there are some politicians full of that too. I reckon that is probably a case of you know them perhaps being way to constipated.

That is really tough and I can appreciate that would not make a person all that thrilled with life. So perhaps these politicians got reasons for being strange.

Can't imagine you know eating a bull unless it was in a burger. But Otis said bull and not beef. How you swallow the other parts of bull. I don't think I want to ask.

Gee, I hope that works for the politicians in a good way. Otis never makes it sound like a good thing. Like they are weird or something.

I guess that is a normal deal for some. But me, I'll stick with my usual. That is so much safer I reckon.

I don't want to try and bite into some bull's tail and pretend it tastes good. Maybe if they put a few jelly beans on it that might help.

But even then, I'm not sure. Hope I don't have to find out either. And that will be the part I have to work on.

That is in terms of not being full of weird stuff. That ain't a good thing as I see it and being full of stuff you don't enjoy is never mind idea of how to be full. Hope it works for others. Because I don't want to swallow what they swallow in some cases.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: Do you only get big deals with big playing cards?"


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