Friday, April 10, 2009


Forty two card challenge,
being daring enough to play solitaire
after removing all the Aces or Kings
the Queen of Hearts or Diamonds
from the deck of fifty two.

Forty two sneaker gifts
as the number of shoes needed
for the feet of the twenty two
starting defense and offense players
on a football team.

Forty two treats,
from three boxes of 12 Hostess Ding Dongs
and one of six Eskimo ice cream bars.

Forty two breakfast thrills,
after you order 14 short stacks of three pancakes
over at the International House of Pancakes.

Forty two lunch feast,
when you get to eat
two Pizzas for twenty one days in a row.

Forty two DVD marathon
while watching all the Stars Wars Trilogy,
Indiana Jones Four flicks,
Lethal Weapon Four Sagas
and Lord of The Rings Trilogy
three times in a row.

Forty two quotes to impress others,

“England has forty-two religions and only two sauces” – Voltaire

“I’m not different from anybody else with two arms, two legs
and forty two hundred hits.” – Pete Rose

“The Answer to the Great Question Of.....Life, the Universe and Everything.....(is) Forty-two.” Douglas Adams’ Hitchhiker’s Guide To Galaxy.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "If you steal steel, do you add an E or an A?"


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