Thursday, August 27, 2009

Weekend Lover


He was an expert at everything,

all you had to do was ask,

hunter, athlete, champion and leader.


A voice of experience,

self appointed god,

if he hadn’t been victorious

in every labor, quest and thought

it was only because time was a barrier,

never an excuse.


So one weekend out of every month,

his spirit would venture into the unknown,

from camping to running marathons,

then on Monday regaling us at work

with the latest deflowering of his life.


Careful to mask those bruises, scrapes and scars

with tales of courage and passionate convictions.


This occasional quest for sensory maturity

came to an end one Saturday,

after he tried a cross-county Motorcross event

though he had never driving a motorcycle before,

manage to borrow one from a friend,

convincing him that he was a master at those wheels.


According to him the elements plotted against his success

the fact he got confused and pulled wrong handle for breaks,

didn’t enter into his conversation

while we visited him at the hospital

where he was in a bed with two broken legs,

good thing he swelled head at least could wear a helmet!



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