Monday, August 24, 2009

Take That Hugh Hefner



We sure am proud

can’t wait to have all the ladies

come beggin to be our dates,

done read Playboy through so many times

them words sure did slow us down,

but now we’re ready

learned all about how Hugh Hefner

got all them women.


Done got one of them spas just like him,

only ours is better

since we can go where the gals hang out

providing we can figure out where that is.


My buddy Zeke’s stocked the cab with beer on ice,

we added one of them CD portable players

for listening to some romantic tunes,

wish we had remembered it don’t work good in water,

boy was that a shocker,

new one is over in the dash for safety sake,

hope them girls love, Yodeling Elvis.


At least we figured out

even if it was the hard way,

farting in the tub don’t count for making it a Jacuzzi,

oh well, those two gals who ran away

weren’t the only ones around,

met them when we lucked out at the bar one night,

even if they did have mustaches humps.


Still it is all going to be so great

this is now our watery moving love machine,

just have to remember to not get so excited

that we end up letting some brown lumps

come floating up in the water.



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