Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Tomorrow’s Leader


In the secret caverns of governmental agencies,

scientist work with DNA technology

and computerized theorems

to produce the perfect man.


But budget cutbacks and red tape complications

have left their task only partially completely,

now the future of mankind,

the hope for one leader to rise

that might rescue the world from its suffering,

remains a being only partially completed.


Sadly they were still arguing over

what was the ideal left robotic arm

he needed in replace of a normal limb,

unable to decide if it should have laser weapon in fingers

or a very versatile device,

which was a combination of can opener, stapler

and special remote control.


Meanwhile, other parts wait to be cloned for help

with modifications to make them

super, incredibly extra powerful,

such as various muscles from body builders,

so he’s stuck with a scrawny form

until the transplants can be refined.


As for a brain, well it works fine,

though not quite the genius he’s suppose to be,

having to wear that special cap with implants

of internet wireless system

in order that his mind can absorb

a variety of web sites and data.


Hopefully it will all end

with his becoming a true blessing

instead of this work in progress

who at his current level

can only manage to drink beer

and recite quotes from the three stooges.



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