Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Sound

My voice is so often silence in life

too many noises compete for its attention,

what sings from my heart

just gets ignored and left unnoticed

in the world where sights and chaos

can easily turn anyone into a forgotten face.


But in the cyberland

the music of my mind

can find a place to truly be heard

among the multitude of web sites

where anyone can scream an expression,

knowing someone will listen.


While some of us are content

at the idea our identity will be appreciated

in this net oasis for pure creativity,

others will always feel some compulsion

for inventing a biography much like their dreams

becoming in this realm of URL fantasia

anything that is so much more

than the realty of their everyday existence.


When it becomes too extreme

and the lies overpower the truth

there is always a moment that comes

resulting in the facts get exposed,

often leaving people that are wounded

from all the deception,

which was meant to replace what wasn’t gained

during the chase for goald that were never caught.


So we live with the risks

of not be able to know

if who we are talking to is being honest

or remotely who they claim to be

because we all have a melody we want to recognized,

aware in this realm have its tones will be known

inspiring us to always return to browser surfboard.



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